Everyday Horsemanship

Real Horses. Real People. Real Solutions.

Fundamentals In Liberty Clinic

In this clinic, Laura Baker of Everyday Horsemanship will teach you the various cues and body language necessary for liberty work in this intensive one-day clinic. The day will start with exercises that include both draw and drive, “find my shoulder’, “The Heel”, Liberty Circles, and The Stop Cue. Even if you’ve learned these exercises in a previous clinic, this will be helpful especially with what to do if your horse leaves.

Participants will learn how to switch shoulders with their horse using both the reverse switch and the forward switch.

If time allows, Laura will briefly begin teaching participants how to lay down their horse in the most natural way possible without ropes or force.

Location: Klasse Equine, 9420 N. Berg Rd, Evansville, WI

Clinic Hours: 9:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m.  with one hour for lunch. Lunch is not provided. 

Stalls: $30 per stall.

Cost: $225
Max. 10 Participants

Proof of negative Coggins is required. 

Auditors welcome $30/day per person. Bring your own chairs.

Looking for more ways to fast track your liberty training with your horse? I have worked diligently at creating a Facebook Group (100% free to join) for horse owners and trainers who want to grow their relationships with their horses through liberty training. If this sounds like you, this group is for you. I built this group specifically to share:
  1. Daily Horse Liberty Training Exercises
  2. Behind the scenes video lessons of what I’m doing with my horses (along with what I’ve learned that works and what doesn’t work!)
  3. Ways to collaborate, share resources, and experiences from other active members of the group who are actively working their horses at liberty.
At EDH, I specialize in helping horse owners build deeper relationships with their horses through better communication and connection using both positive and negative reinforcement techniques (R+ and R-).
I’ve helped horse owners like you get more from their horses with less time. Join the group and see why!