Film a maximum of a10-minute video of a problem you’re having with your horse, or of you doing liberty with your horse. Then, go to my appointment calendar and schedule a FREE action call where we’ll review your video together on Zoom.
Your video must be submitted within 7 days to receive this offer. This offer is not transferrable and only available to people within the Everyday Horsemanship: Mastering the Art of Liberty Horse Training Facebook Group who have never received a free audit or any coaching services by me previously.
In order to submit, you’ll have to upload your video to YouTube and grab the share link. Paste the share link in an email with the Subject Line: FREE AUDIT VIDEO.
Email all videos to: Laurabaker@everydayhorsemanship.com and don’t forget to schedule your appointment on my calendar.
Looking forward to seeing your video!
P.S: Since I can only offer just 5 audits per week, be sure to get your audit submitted so that you don’t lose this opportunity!